07/20/2021 / By Lance D Johnson
The French are gathering in the streets, chanting “liberte!” and the British are marching, demanding the arrest of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson! European governments are rolling out vaccine passports as quickly as possible, forcing people to comply with endless medical experiments, bodily requirements, digital surveillance and tracking, and a two-tiered society that discriminates and segregates the unvaccinated.
The British government is rolling out vaccine passports for clubs, pubs and restaurants now, while demanding vaccine requirements for all workers across all industries. Great Britain’s Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) wants vaccine requirements for everyday workplaces, requiring office workers to use the NHS app to verify their compliance with the new world vaccine order. In order to have a job, the British will have to return to the office showing proof they have been “fully vaccinated.” The app will also be used to enforce all future booster shots required by the Big Pharma-Big Tech-Big Government dictatorship.
So far, the British government has coerced up to 10.4 million people to sign up for the NHS COVID pass, by threatening to take away basic freedoms if Great Britons do not comply. Ever since the vaccine verification requirements were added to the app on May 17, an influx of six million new users appeared in the NHS database.
Introducing a medical apartheid to Europe, Great Britain’s Department for Health and Social Care states, “The app’s COVID-19 vaccine status service allows users easily to show their proof of vaccine, which will help people to travel abroad, start returning to workplaces and attend large-scale events as we cautiously proceed with the roadmap.” Many people would like to believe that the lockdowns are ending, but restrictions are not being lifted. The worst is yet to come. The controls are only becoming more strict, more discriminatory and more Orwellian with each passing month.
According to the DHSC documents, the vaccine passport system will be used as “a means of entry” anywhere where people are “likely to be in close proximity to others outside their household.” This means the vaccine passport will be incorporated into every aspect of society, a permanent fixture of enslavement and discrimination. The guidance threatens all industries to adopt these “sufficient measures” or else the government will “consider mandating the NHS COVID Pass in certain venues at a later date.”
Disgraced Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced July 19 as “Freedom Day” as he announced vaccine requirements throughout society. Thousands of Great Britons have gathered on Parliament Square to protest the new restrictions and upcoming segregation. “Can I clear it up for anyone wondering why thousands have gathered at parliament square freedom protest?” one freedom fighter commented. “Freedom is having the right to choose to wear masks or not without the constant threats of new winter lockdowns and vaccine passports. Today is not true freedom.”
Throughout the covid-19 scandal, governments have used the threat of infection to control entire populations, first telling people to stay locked down in their house. When that wasn’t enough, the police began visiting people any time of the day to make sure people were complying with stay-at-home orders. Government “contact tracers” were deployed to lock people down further and deprive them of their liberty. Basic medical rights and civil liberties were vanquished as forceful mandates were applied.
Today, the population is awarded their freedoms back when they comply with the government’s inoculation requirements. Now people will have to carry “papers” and show digital proof of vaccination if they want to get together with people and engage in activities outside their homes. But it doesn’t even end there. People who don’t comply with this medical apartheid are being threatened to live on the streets, with no job prospects, no career to advance. As the UK perverts the people’s freedom and destroys countless lives, there is nothing left to lose. Resistance is a necessary duty. Every individual must be treated equally under the law.
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Tagged Under: abuse, Boris Johnson, civil rights, covid vaccines, digital surveillance, discrimination, equal treatment under the law, government collapse, health freedom, Liberty, medical apartheid, medical dictatorship, medical freedom, medical privacy, Medical Tyranny, obey, Orwellian, perversion of freedom, religious freedom, Resistance, segregation, Tyranny, vaccine passport, vaccine passports, vaccine requirements, vaccine wars