News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
San Francisco Mayor violates her own mask mandate so she could be free from suffocating, get some clean oxygen, and start “feeling the spirit” at a BLM party
The message coming directly from San Francisco’s Mayor about wearing Covid masks is that if you’re going to a really important event, in your opinion, there’s no need to worry about the pandemic at all. You can take off your mask and you’ll be fine, if the event is very special. Therefore, by her theory, […]
By S.D. Wells
Congress and all judges EXEMPT from mandatory Covid vaccination Executive Order because they know the clot shots are deadly
Resident Biden has signed an Executive Order that requires all federal executive branch workers to be vaccinated, except the House, Senate, himself, and all judges. The elitists enforcing everything Covid keep saying they can’t make anyone take the jabs, but you’re fired from your government job if you don’t, and they’re not taking them because they […]
By S.D. Wells
America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate
The CDC director and top vaccine industry shill, Rochelle Walensky, has announced to America that if you are not vaccinated for China Flu then you should not travel during the Labor Day holiday, while 200 million Americans are suffering from compromised immunity due to the blood-clotting, spike protein bioweapon injections. No health official anywhere is […]
By S.D. Wells
World Economic Forum pushing out Covid-19 COERCION PROPAGANDA that trains vaxxers how to target non-vaxxers with social and economic pressure
For a hefty dose of fake news about global warming and the pandemic, one needs look no further than the World Economic Forum (WEF), where you can find a “helpful guide” for coercing and manipulating the general public into getting the deadly, blood-clotting Covid jabs. It’s all about propaganda that sells fear and dirty medicine, […]
By S.D. Wells
DEATH CAMP DOCUMENT: Internment camps are already planned in every state, as CDC prepares for mass mental illness wave caused by “fear of infection”
That’s it, Covid camps have been announced for every US city. These will function first as the ghettos of the new vaccine Holocaust, where anyone who refuses the Covid spike protein nano-particle-bioweapon injections becomes a prisoner, force-medicated, possibly never to be seen again (Marxist concentration camps). The “Mental health” section of this CDC Covid DEATH […]
By S.D. Wells
TOTAL CONTRADICTION: CDC’s Director Dr. Walenski tells America Covid vaccines are effective, then says the vaccinated can spread Covid and need to wear masks again
Walk it back. Retract it. Memory hole it. Delete it. That’s what the freaks in control of the Covid plandemic do every day with their “advice” and “rules” for functioning in the midst of the not-so-deadly-after-all China Flu. It was all about getting 70 percent of America vaccinated for death-by-blood-clot preparation, but they only reached […]
By S.D. Wells
Bad logic of vaccine zealots is like Nazis claiming Jews were “procrastinating” for failing to report to concentration death camps and gas chambers
Have you noticed that “procrastination” and “hesitation” are to blame for low vaccination rates across America, instead of blaming vaccine-induced injuries and vaccine-induced deaths of pandemic proportion? Vaccine promoters and fanatics describe anyone who refuses the deadly China Flu jabs as experiencing “hesitancy” and guilty of “procrastination” because those fanatical vax-freaks don’t want to talk […]
By S.D. Wells
MIND-BLOWING: Oakland and Denver zoos giving COVID-19 spike protein vaccines to animals – including bears, gorillas, tigers and mountain lions
With zero science to back up giving zoo animals China virus jabs, and zero animals testing positive for Covid, the Oakland Zoo and Denver Zoo are both moving forward, shooting up animals with toxic “inoculations” that cause blood clots and heart inflammation in humans. There are also no records of any animals transmitting Covid to […]
By S.D. Wells
Having already convinced most blue states to commit vaccine suicide, Jill Biden now targets RED states to make sure conservatives are exterminated, too
Including the swing states her husband’s CCP regime stole, Jill “Joe” Biden is touring conservative states to help make the upcoming vaccine-induced death wave look more balanced between red and blue states. Though it’s mostly Democrats who rushed to the vaccine outlets to get jabbed with blood-clotting, heart inflaming “inoculations,” it’s still very important to […]
By S.D. Wells
Judge in Ohio essentially sentences man to DEATH by covid vaccine for minor weapons violation
Lethal injection is taking on a whole new meaning in Ohio, where you can be brought up on minor weapons or drug charges and a judge who finds you guilty can sentence you to death by blood clot via Covid-19 vaccines. It’s like a probation of probation, where your sentence is lighter if you agree […]
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