News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
“Non-vaxxers” in America, be ready to LOSE YOUR PHONE connection when the vaccine SS police start cracking the whip
Inch by inch, the Democrats want all Americans to lose their rights, lose their health, lose their wealth and then lose their life. It all started with a fear-mongering flu campaign, then the control tripping began, and all in the name of “health and safety.” You’re living in a Black Mirror episode, as you experience […]
By S.D. Wells
So when you DIE from the Covid-19 vaccine you got because they gave away free pot and cannabis in trade for it, will the CDC blame the weed?
Nearly every death in America during the “pandemic” was blamed on Covid-19 in order to perpetuate the threat and the narrative. If you caught influenza and died from it… Covid-19. If you caught Covid-19 and died from being suffocated by a ventilator, then you died from Covid, on paper. If you committed suicide by jumping […]
By S.D. Wells
EXCLUSIVE: Goebbels-style “ministry of propaganda” tactics on display as ad agency promotes deadly Covid vaccines with manipulative, cunning slogans for buttons and t-shirts
Oh, those Nazis were very cunning, that is for sure. The Jews of Nazi Germany were not dumb, they just never saw it coming. Propaganda is a very powerful machine, and the psychology of sales was instrumental in wiping out half of all Jewish people on planet Earth. That was then. This is now: The […]
By S.D. Wells
American shill journalists GUILTY of conspiring with the Chinese Communist Party to push CCP propaganda
Treason is defined in the Constitution as levying war against the US or ‘adhering’ to its enemies. More than a dozen US journalists, from nearly every mass media (fake news) outlet, including CNN, NYT, MSNBC, WaPo, and more, have been caught red-handed in a pay-for-play agreement with the Communist Chinese Party. The journalists all agreed […]
By S.D. Wells
Brainwashing America’s children through a warped, skewed, and perverted mainstream education
Education in America has become not much more than the State indoctrination vehicle, from kindergarten all the way through undergraduate college. The creators of the curriculum have dumbed-down math, rewritten history falsely, and infused bias that all white people are born gifted, prejudice, elitist, racist, and spoon-fed. White people are now being trained to hate […]
By S.D. Wells
TIMELINE: The CDC’s corrupt history revealed as it pushes mass hysteria to sell dirty vaccines
How could it be that we can’t trust the CDC? How could a country so strong and efficient have the regulatory agency for disease control and prevention be so insidious that all they care about today is controlling the populace by actually spreading disease? It’s always all about money and control, and we have a […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL BIGOTRY: Racist doctors in Boston push to deny healthcare services to White people, based entirely on the color of their skin
Because White people had Black slaves in America over 160 years ago, all White people in America now must pay for it, in the form of sacrificing their healthcare, according to a couple of racist doctors in Boston. That makes a whole lot of sense. By that logic, that should also mean that all Egyptians […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine Passports already a TOTAL FLOP in New York
The Nazi-style “show me your papers” vaccine passport program recently rolled out in New York is an epic fail already, and it smacks of the Obamacare boondoggles that they called the Death Spiral. Current consumers (sheeple) are complaining already that the app is riddled with problems and can’t find your records, and that’s because local, […]
By S.D. Wells
BOMBSHELL: Bill Gates prepped his worshipers for plandemic of bio-terrorism originating as a “virus crossover” from monkeys and bats
Does this narrative sound familiar? Sounds like the mass media narrative, which was a complete hoax, perpetrated on the world at the beginning of the Covid-19 spread, talking about some Chinese food market where everyone was eating bats as if they were chicken wings. Why reveal the lie before it even reaches the public eye? […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL SHOCKER: The “other” China Virus – the deadly Chinese pig circovirus purposely engineered into the U.S. rotavirus vaccinations given to children
Meet the leading apologist for the vaccine industry poisons today. Known for his toxic “RotaTeq” rotavirus vaccine that he patented using a deadly porcine virus, Paul Offit has made millions of dollars selling his insidious, dirty vaccines to the CDC and recommending them for all infants, while he continues to bankroll off auspiciously sick children […]
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