News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
BIG QUESTION: If lockdowns worked, why do we still need more lockdowns? Just another facet of the never-ending scamdemic
What most Americans don’t know is that when coronavirus first hit China, scientists swore that strict mandates were working very well and had already “changed the course” of the pandemic. Their so-called “experts” declared that, “The question now is whether the world can take lessons from China‘s apparent success—and whether the massive lockdowns and electronic […]
By S.D. Wells
US CITIZEN HOSTAGES UPDATE: Innocent US protestors from January 6th still being held ‘hostage’ in DC jail – Will Republican House release them all?
There’s an American hostage crisis going on right now and it’s not in Iran, Russia, North Korea, or China, it’s in Washington D.C. US citizens are being held against their will, with no trial in sight, and according to sources, are being tortured and abused daily. More than 800 US citizens were arrested nearly two […]
By S.D. Wells
Government Regulatory Agency Dictatorship – How the US federal agencies are armed-to-the-teeth for the war against Americans
The FDA, FBI, CIA, DHS, EPA, USDA, and IRS are now fully geared up with assault weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition, thanks to the Obama and Biden Regimes, ready to battle Americans to the death over their food, land, crops, and yes, unpaid income taxes. Got some food the government wants to seize […]
By S.D. Wells
Top media and entertainment stars who push back against Leftist-dominated Hollywood narratives, censorship
There is nothing Hollywood and mainstream media hate worse than celebrities and stars who speak the truth about massively important topics like censorship, elections, vaccines, and our constitutional liberties. For decades, Hollywood, Disney, and most celebrities toe the line when it comes to corrupt narratives that are fed to Americans through movies, shows, magazines, newspapers, […]
By S.D. Wells
END OF FREE SPEECH IN AMERICA: Posting your opinion or hypothesis about any major event can end up costing you hundreds of millions of dollars in punishment
Did you ever guess or suspect that there were “other causes” for the twin towers to collapse on September 11, 2001, other than jet fuel? Millions of Americans, including dozens of architects and engineers, suspected that both towers, just like Building 7, were destroyed by demolition, not just simply fire. Was it illegal for them […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: Top medical fraud and illegal health care schemes of 2022
It would be wonderful if Big Pharma actually produced effective medications and vaccinations that did not bring with them a laundry list of horrific side effects and long term health detriment, but that never seems to be the case. It would also be absolutely amazing if the medical industrial complex, including companies, doctors and laboratory […]
By S.D. Wells
It’s always OPPOSITE DAY for the LEFTISTS in America: Liberal means intolerant, anti-fascist means fascist, and equality means hate white people
When Antifa became a movement in America, most of the protesting they engaged in involved acts of violence, including riots, arson, assault, vandalism, theft, rape and murder. Their name, Antifa, is short for anti-fascist, yet, everything they stand for IS fascist. Antifa’s foundation is based on hatred, tyranny, intolerance, inequality and contempt for the Republic […]
By S.D. Wells
KIDS and TEENS are texting Miami plastic surgeon by her request on TWITTER to set up sex-organ-mutilation-surgery appointments (op-ed)
This is happening. A plastic surgeon based in Miami Beach is advertising on Twitter and TikTok via video for kids and teens to literally text her to set up sex-organ-mutilation-surgery appointments. “Here at Gallagher Plastic Surgery you can just text us” … “probably set up most of the surgery without talking to anybody on the […]
By S.D. Wells
Booking producer at FOX Business News resigned over COVID VAX tyranny, refused to comply with illegal NYC mandate Fox Corp was enforcing
While all of her cohorts at Fox News had received the Fauci Flu jabs and were spreading COVID all over the workplace, Breanna Morello thought the semi-conservative network wasn’t part of the liberal wasteland that denies people medical choice, but she was wrong. With dreams of producing the Tucker Carlson show, Breanna Morello had relocated to […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 ways the AMA, FDA and CDC bury NATURAL CURES
Modern medicine is mostly “dirty medicine” because the serious health risks far outweigh any benefits that come from its use. The allopathic world of pharmaceuticals and vaccines is filled with nightmarish “side effects” and “adverse events” that come from allergic reactions, overdoses (even when taken as directed), permanent injuries and death, unlike natural remedies that rarely […]
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